Author: The Standard Editor

This is the digital news site of the Uganda Christian University community newspaper, "The Standard". The Standard newspaper was established in May 2007 under, formerly Department, but now School of Journalism, Media & Communication.

The Deputy Executive Director of UNBS, Andrew Othieno, asserted that operationalizing the memorandum means that the bureau is extending a hand to academic institutions. By doing so, they will be helping to train students and grow their employee capacity at the bureau.

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Aturinda recalls the first rugby game he watched in 2011, in his senior year. “When the school team was training, one of the players knocked someone, and they even bled,” he said. “I swore never to play rugby in my life.”

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It is for this reason and another that Uganda Christian University (UCU) has partnered with the boda-boda riders at the three stages of the university gate to give out reflector jackets. The three stages include the small, main, and Teck Park gates of the university.

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A 2007 incident in the family of Jethro Odoi Okoth was the impetus for a medicine career choice for Odoi, now age 23 and a year away from becoming a doctor. Odoi, then a teenager, saw his younger brother suffer a fractured skull, necessitating surgery in a country where neurosurgeons are scarce.

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