Author: The Standard Editor

This is the digital news site of the Uganda Christian University community newspaper, "The Standard". The Standard newspaper was established in May 2007 under, formerly Department, but now School of Journalism, Media & Communication.

In the South African Zulu gospel song, Siyabonga Jesu (Wahamba Nathi), singer Solly Mahlangu sings praises for Jesus, whom he refers to as the Lion of Heaven. Mahlangu’s praises for the son of God are on the basis that Jesus has never abandoned him, even during the time when he “walked through the valley of death.”

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When Uganda Christian University (UCU) recently announced a homecoming event, the institution promised its alumni an opportunity to interact among themselves, as well as with their vice chancellors. And, true to their word, all three vice chancellors – the current, Aaron Mushengyezi, and the past, the Rev. Prof. Stephen Noll and his successor, the Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi – were present to interact with the people they helped to nurture while administrators.

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Derrick Were, a former Uganda Christian University (UCU) Cardinals goalkeeper and captain, was named the best player of the decade as the university football league celebrated its tenth anniversary.

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To make ends meet for her family, Candiru Zainab, studying at UCU’s Arua campus, taught at a nearby school, Najah Muslim Secondary School in the northern Uganda district of Arua. To have more chances of getting better-paying jobs, the mother of four children worked toward a Bachelor of Education degree, which she was awarded at the UCU main campus in Mukono on October 28. Candiru was among the 1,570 graduates that day.

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We have all gone through grief at a certain point in our lives, be it the loss of a loved one, divorce, or the sudden end of a relationship, among others. This will require us to go in for counseling or therapy as a way to recover from this situation.

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As the year nears its end, the 1st of December is here for us to be joyful. As many of our friends are filling the chat rooms with happy new month wishes, I will fill yours with a bit of awareness. It’s World AIDS Day!

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