
The holiday season is a time for celebration, relaxation, and new experiences. From family gatherings and festive traditions to travel and personal growth, everyone’s holiday story is unique. Michael Ainomugisha spoke to several students to find out how they spent their holidays and the highlights of their festive season. Here’s what they had to say

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After the excitement of graduating and relief of completing their courses successfully, the graduates have to think about what their next step is. We spoke to some of them to tell us their future plans.

“Before I came to UCU, I had this image that it was a strict school with tight rules and regulations. My friends even said it was more like boarding school, but I didn’t mind. Deep down, I loved everything about UCU because I wanted to come out as a well-rounded lady—someone of value and substance to society—and I knew I could find that at UCU.

The Uganda Christian University (UCU) Honors College recently collaborated with Usanii Village-Africa, a non-governmental organization, the UCU Directorate of Student Affairs, and the university’s 26th Guild Government to conduct a career exhibition. Themed “Navigating Horizons; a Journey Through Diverse Careers,” the exhibition, held at the UCU main campus in Mukono, was intended to showcase ideas from different faculties and schools, in addition to linking the students to industry players. The Faculty of Engineering, Design, and Technology was recognized as the top exhibitor, with the School of Business and the School of Law following in that order. Partners Intern Kefa Senoga talked to some exhibitors.

The Easter season marks the end of Lent, the fasting period for Christians. People celebrate Easter differently. Partners Intern Pauline Luba asked four students from three universities how they usually celebrate the Easter season and what the season means to them.

The UCU annual career exhibition was held on Saturday 16 under the topic ‘NAVIGATING HORIZONS: A Journey Through Diverse Careers,’ with the primary goal of providing students with career guidance through the displays. It also served to market UCU, as evidenced by the presence of high school students who may be inspired to join the university.

Many students from the Uganda Christian University (UCU) Main/Mukono Campus and other campuses and constituent colleges are engaged in internships at different places of work. The internships are intended to enable students gain work experience while satisfying requirements for their university qualifications.

The exam season in any school is usually a tense period, with all students doing last-minute checks on their notes to ensure they have grasped everything they consider important to enable them pass. Pauline Luba talked to some students at the end of exams just before Uganda Christian University closed for the Christmas holidays. Below was what they said.