
Uganda Christian University’s 27th Guild Government has elected new parliamentary leadership following a competitive virtual election session on December 30. The election was presided over by Rt: Hon. Emmanuel Edonu, the outgoing Speaker of the 26th Students’ Guild Parliament.

In her announcement, Mwesigye expressed gratitude for having been elected president of the Guild Government and stressed the importance of professionalism in the submissions. 

The 2001 Electoral Petition: A Turning Point in Uganda’s Democracy?

“In the fabric of history, each thread is a decision, each pattern an election, and each tear a petition that could have changed it all.”

In a historic move, Gelda Nasozi, a third-year law student, has shattered gender barriers to become the first female prime minister of the Uganda Christian University (UCU) Guild government in years. Nasozi, expressing gratitude for the opportunity, credits her faith and determination for achieving this milestone.

Emmanuel Edonu has been voted as the 26th Guild Parliament Speaker of Uganda Christian University (UCU). In the 25th Guild Parliament, the latter also served as deputy speaker. Edonu’s fast climb to student leadership attests to the man’s political distinction.