UCU alum shares child soldier captivity story with USP students

August 25, 2022, is one extra-ordinary day I shall live to remember. Waking up that Thursday morning, I had a list of activities. From checking on my parents back home in the north via phone, to taking my children to school for a requisite government data collection registration activity, to an online job interview but foremost, an opportunity to share my story with a group of American students.

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Avoid emotional abuse among your children

Emotional abuse is a common practice that almost everyone goes through in life. But some people may not know how they emotionally abuse others. We have parents who are harsh, toxic, strict and use humiliating or critiquing words. They yell and constantly shout at their children or spouses all the time. Somehow, this creates fear amongst children and the rest.

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Watch your health during the rain season

After widespread torrential rains and hailstorms in several areas of the nation on August 31, 2022, it was a chilly evening. To stay warm, everyone you encountered covered themselves. It turned out to be a boon for the street food merchants. Boda boda riders could be seen yawning for a cup of tea to battle the cold as it was served to them from a large kettle with a bucket of cups.

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What you need to share with your child before going back to school

Our children are ready to go back to school next week. Others are reporting this week. It’s the promotional and mostly the final term of the year. Every term may come with its own fears and anxiety. As a parent, you need to sit with your children, check their concerns, and give counsel at the beginning of the term. We have candidates doing their final exams at any level of their academic journey. Soon they will start their vacation. Such counseling speaks to their mental well-being.

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