
“I love to let the world know about the beautiful things we do at UCU,” she says. Her dedication to her work is so much so that her children often assist her in capturing moments related to climate change and other research areas she’s involved in, demonstrating her influence even within her family.

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What does it mean to be democratic? The term itself suggests two fundamental principles: firstly, in a national context, governance by elected representatives accountable to all citizens; secondly, within society, adherence to the equality of all members regardless of wealth or social standing. However, the global application of these ideals faces significant challenges and contradictions.

The equipment is geared towards enhancing practical training in multi-media storytelling and production, a key emphasis at the school. Among the equipment are still and video cameras, laptops, projectors, and other assorted accessories. This is the first batch, but another batch will be received at the end of the year.

The Uganda Christian University (UCU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences has teamed up with crickets – the insect and not the sport – in a successfully piloted food chain project that alleviates hunger and malnutrition.  The ‘Food Waste-2-Cricket Feed’ enterprise produces cricket feed from food waste and then turns the insects into a nutritious food supplement.

Coming from a humble background with a peasant father, Patience Akampurira had no hope of joining a university after completing A’ level in 1998. It was like a dream and yet an answered prayer when her father, a very committed Christian and a canon in the Church of Uganda heard about Uganda Christian University (UCU) and how it offered other programs apart from theology.  Her father quickly sent for the application forms, and she was offered an opportunity to study for a Bachelor of Arts concurrent with a Diploma in Education (BAED). 

We have all failed in life at some point, but we have not been worthless. We are still alive and moving forward with greatness in one area or another. To some, failure came as a learning experience, and they got over it with more courage and focus. Other people never believed they could try again, and all their hope was shattered. That is also part of life. Life has never been straight.