By Eriah Lule
The UCU Lady Cardinals won 3-1 against St. Noah Girls Secondary school in a friendly football match played at the University’s football pitch on Wednesday.
The UCU team’s coach believes that teamwork and discipline are the values that always give the team an edge over their opponents. “Based on this game, our players are doing quite well, and I am pleased that we have won,’’ said Sharon Kiiza, the UCU Cardinal’s team coach. She added, “I feel we are more than ready to remain the champions in the coming season.”
James Mukubya, the St. Noah Girls’ team coach found the game inspirational to his team and hopes that his players will get better with continued exposure.
“I enjoyed this game as a coach. It gave me a new angle of coaching my players and also good exposure from the Cardinals,” he said, after the match.
Such friendly matches have been organized by the Sports Department to enhance the physical and mental fitness of the players as they are getting ready for the forthcoming football season.
Due to stalling of tournaments among other football activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many teams have resorted to friendly matches to not only test their players’ fitness but also to evaluate opponents’ performances.