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Uganda Christian University (UCU) has a longstanding commitment to improving student writing skills, a crucial part of the university’s academic fabric. This commitment is embodied in the UCU Writing Center, which, since its inception in 2022, has played a pivotal role in

Kondowole is a Malawian staple food. Made from cassava flour and water, the food is similar to the English posho and is normally eaten with fish. Because its preparation is labor-intensive, the food is not eaten often. It is eaten in Uganda but 

Following a recently signed partnership agreement between Uganda Christian University (UCU) Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, and Graham Yoko, the CEO of the Accelerated Education Enterprise (AEE) in Durban, South Africa,

Uganda is a tale of natural beauty and environmental struggle, from the verdant shores of Lake Victoria to the busy streets of Kampala. Despite all these attributes, a hidden but ubiquitous menace looms large amid the nation’s rapid economic and urbanization growth: pollution from plastic waste.