By Eriah Lule
“A Complete Education for a Complete Person” is Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) theme statement. It is derived on the basis of training and producing well-equipped graduates to serve the world. UCU has seen over 20,000 graduates after pursuing different programs, as it is set to celebrate 25 years of its existence since 1997.
The outbreak of COVID-19 caused a change in the way things are managed. This led to a switch from physical classes to online, which UCU made swiftly especially for the majority of its postgraduate programs.

The Masters of Organisational Leadership (MAOL) is a program run by the School of Business in partnership with Development Associates International (DAI),located in Colorado,United States of America(USA),which is among the programs primarily taught online. However, it occasionally organizes physical classes (residences) for the students at the university when students break off for holidays for a week.
Joel Ssenyonyi, The Member of Parliament for Nakawa West Constituency and Chairman of The Parliamentary Committee on Commissions, State Authorities and State Enterprise(COSASE), said that he aspires to sharpen and add value to himself as a leader such that he could best serve the nation at large.
“Being a leader is tricky. One has to seek knowledge to better understand how to serve your people in all dimensions,” he said. “With such a course, I am learning every day from both lecturers and classmates.”
The Vice Chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, empathized that UCU’s major role is equipping not only its students but all parties who are interested in acquiring Christian-based knowledge across all its programs.
“We, as the university, are willing to equip our students with Christian-based values through our programs,” he said. “Such programs are among the many that work closely with leaders in all aspects and fields.”
Vincent Kisenyi, the Dean of the School of Business, said that they are targeting leaders in society and organisations since it’s based on biblical teachings for leadership and management.

“We try to impact our students with knowledge that reflects the Bible and management,” he said. ” Most students who enroll are either managers , politicians, or leaders in various sects.”
Reverend Kabogoza Alex works with Mityana Diocese, in his first year second semester. He attributes the course to how it impacts them with leadership skills which he will in turn use in his ministry.
“I have learnt a lot and started strategizing how I can use the learnt skills in my home Diocese,” he said. “My major emphasis is to see how to empower women in ministry in our local churches.”
Ryan Murphy, ADI’s Director of Educational Programs, and Kyle Greenwood, MAOL’s Administrative Director, both commended the good work that UCU has done over the years through their partnership, where they have trained and equipped students with leadership skills and Christian values that have been the exodus for their lives.
“We are also humbled to partner with UCU because we share the same Christian moral values,” Murphy said. “We hope to continue working more, so as to teach our students to maximise their full potential.”
In East Africa UCU is the only university that offers this programme and among the blessed few in the world that ADI works closely with due to the institutions strong christian moral values.