By Laura Cenge
In November 2022, the Uganda Police started a nationwide crackdown on boda-boda (motorcycle) riders with the aim of cubing those without reflector jackets, helmets, and PSV permits. According to the Daily Monitor, over the course of the three-day operation, 6,000 motorcycles were impounded.
The crackdown followed CCTV footage that was released by the police in connection to the increasing number of boda-boda accidents that resulted in a total of 257 lives lost in October alone.
It is for this reason and another that Uganda Christian University (UCU) has partnered with the boda-boda riders at the three stages of the university gate to give out reflector jackets. The three stages include the small, main, and Tech Park gates of the university.
“As we all know, the government requires every boda-boda person to wear a reflector to promote road safety,” Bridget Mugume, the director of student affairs, explained. “As part of our community engagement, UCU is giving back to all the boda boda men at the three stages, which are the small, main, and Tech Park gates.”
This is due to the fact that they transport students and staff to their respective areas of residence and ensure their safe arrival.

The jacket also carries a message at the back for a campaign aimed at helping the needy students at the university complete their education. “JUST 10K CHANGES A STUDENT’S LIFE AT UCU” is the campaign aimed at finding more giving hearts that will donate Shs. 100,000 to the numbers engraved on the jacket to support a student.
This is a continuation of the “10K campaign” that started last year to help a number of students raise money for their tuition and complete their education.
“We are partnering with the boda-boda men to carry this message, which is to give just sh 10,000 to a student in need at UCU,” said Dorothy Tushemereire, the campaign manager for the initiative.
She also adds that as the fraternity, we know that we do not always ask for help, but we can also give back, hence partnering with them.
According to Ssegawa Frank, one of the boda-boda riders at their young age, they are grateful for the help extended to them by the university through this campaign, for it helps them when navigating on the road.
She also adds that, as the fraternity, we know that we do not always ask for help, but we can also give back, hence partnering with them.
According to Ssegawa Frank, one of the boda-boda riders, at their young age, they are grateful for the help extended to them by the university through this campaign, for it helps them when navigating on the road.