Author: The Standard Editor

This is the digital news site of the Uganda Christian University community newspaper, "The Standard". The Standard newspaper was established in May 2007 under, formerly Department, but now School of Journalism, Media & Communication.

We have all failed in life at some point, but we have not been worthless. We are still alive and moving forward with greatness in one area or another. To some, failure came as a learning experience, and they got over it with more courage and focus. Other people never believed they could try again, and all their hope was shattered. That is also part of life. Life has never been straight.

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Ordinarily, when a student studies Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics at A’level in Uganda, chances are they will opt to pursue a course in medicine at university. That was not the case with Emmanuel Okia. He says even before he completed A’level, he knew his heart was elsewhere. 

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In late 2022, Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots took the internet by storm. Then came the ChatGPT, which is the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a software that a user can ask a question using conversational or natural language. The software then processes the questions before framing the responses. The AI chatbots gather information faster and more precisely than other search engines would do. As a result, it has, of recent, become one of the most used AI software and is popular among university students as some of them now use the technology to do assignments for them. Pauline Luba asked the community of Uganda Christian University (UCU) about their views on

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Many times, I take my children to a clinic, and I usually encourage them to explain their pain to a medical doctor or officer and not me. I do this because I know I will tell a doctor what they already told me, which is already a reported speech.

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As Rev. Dr. Lydia Kitayimbwa recently shifted her duties from the Uganda Christian University (UCU) chaplaincy to chaplain for St. Francis Chapel, Makerere University, she received significant accolades from members of the clergy and academic faculty. At that, her favorite professional title is “digital mama.”  She got that nickname from youth engaged in on-line church.  

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