Author: The Standard Editor

This is the digital news site of the Uganda Christian University community newspaper, "The Standard". The Standard newspaper was established in May 2007 under, formerly Department, but now School of Journalism, Media & Communication.

Setting targets is one way to keep yourself focused on what you aim to achieve. You could have had targets or set goals for 2022, some of which were successful and some of which were not. A new year means another chance to achieve your life goals. Your targets should reflect who you are, what you live for, what you intend to accomplish this year, and where you plan to be.

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August 20 is the birthday of Charles Lwanga Miti, a year-two student of the Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance at Uganda Christian University (UCU). Miti chose an unconventional way to celebrate his birthday in 2022, by walking 50 miles from Kampala in central Uganda to Jinja in eastern Uganda. 

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When Mary Teophira Kagoire Ocheng applied to pursue a course at Makerere University in Uganda, her score in the national exams earned her the Bachelor of Education course toward a career that was not in her vision. Thus, she initially rejected the offer. However, her contemporaries prevailed upon her, and eventually convinced her to take up the course. 

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Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) Arua Campus has won a prestigious regional award as the best higher institution of learning in West Nile for 2022. The West Nile Quality Brands Awards are given to entities that operate in the northwestern part of Uganda.

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Best Student – It is often said that after the doctors have treated a patient, they leave the healing to God. As a clinical officer, Erasmus Nzabandora, the Overall Best Student at a Dec. 2 UCU graduation, is fully aware that God works through medical personnel. In fact, because he is aware that the healing comes from God, Nzabandora says not every sick person needs medicine. “Some just need prayers,” he says. To be able to provide both the medical and spiritual treatment, Nzabandora enrolled for the Bachelor of Divinity course at UCU’s Bishop Barham University College (BBUC). The father of four graduated with a Grade Point Average

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Hard work rarely goes unacknowledged. For the Rev. Can. Assoc. Prof. Olivia Nassaka Banja, the sweat that she has been breaking in the academic sphere has yielded results with her appointment to the apex management position of a university in Uganda.

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To graduate at Uganda Christian University (UCU), it is not enough to pay full tuition and pass all the exams. A student has to show proof by clearing with the different departments at the university, before they join the graduation list. And this clearance requires the physical presence of students at the offices of the students guild, finance, hall of residence, UCU Alumni and library, among others.  This is something that Ddumba Timothy, UCU’s new Guild President, wants to change.

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