UCU researchers develop three new nakati varieties

(Uganda Christian University has a reputation for research excellence. Examples include pioneering research in vegetables and solar energy, supported by funding from the European Union. The university also has been at the forefront of biomass and climate change research, receiving funding from the Fund for Innovation in Development (FID). This story focuses on nakati, also known as African eggplant.)

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Raising a child while seeking for knowledge

Ugandan agronomist Rosemary Bulyaba is exploring how to find varieties of cowpea that are more resilient to adverse climatic conditions, can thrive in various soils types and environments, and whose leaves can be utilized as vegetables and are rich in vital nutrients such as iron and folate. Bulyaba is the dean of the Uganda Christian University (UCU) Faculty of Agriculture Sciences. However must also balance her research work with her role as a mother of two children, a 2-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl.

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‘I learned adaptability and perseverance,’ Norah Akaba

Due to late registration, I could not apply for any medical course at any university in the country. This had been my long-cherished dream: joining the university and becoming a medical professional. I was left in shuttles and open to any course that my combination of biology, chemistry, mathematics,  and information technology (BCM/IT) would offer. My name is Norah Akaba, and this is my career story.

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University proves insect value in nutrition and alleviating food waste

The Uganda Christian University (UCU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences has teamed up with crickets – the insect and not the sport – in a successfully piloted food chain project that alleviates hunger and malnutrition.  The ‘Food Waste-2-Cricket Feed’ enterprise produces cricket feed from food waste and then turns the insects into a nutritious food supplement.

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Cassava: The New Bread

It isn’t a secret that the prices of commodities in Uganda have hiked over the past months. For instance, a bar of soap now costs seven thousand Ugandan shillings; a kilogram of sugar at four thousand Uganda shillings; and the common breakfast accompaniment, a loaf of big bread, goes for five thousand Uganda shillings. This has left many Ugandans complaining to the government for a solution to this high cost of living.

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