
The holiday season is a time for celebration, relaxation, and new experiences. From family gatherings and festive traditions to travel and personal growth, everyone’s holiday story is unique. Michael Ainomugisha spoke to several students to find out how they spent their holidays and the highlights of their festive season. Here’s what they had to say

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After the excitement of graduating and relief of completing their courses successfully, the graduates have to think about what their next step is. We spoke to some of them to tell us their future plans.

“Before I came to UCU, I had this image that it was a strict school with tight rules and regulations. My friends even said it was more like boarding school, but I didn’t mind. Deep down, I loved everything about UCU because I wanted to come out as a well-rounded lady—someone of value and substance to society—and I knew I could find that at UCU.

Freddie Mercury “A concert is not a live rendition of our album. It’s a theatrical event. I have fun with my clothes onstage; it’s not a concert you’re seeing, it’s a fashion show.” The Uganda Christian University (UCU), department of Visual Arts and Design, organised a fashion concert led by students who displayed their artistic creation through clothes along the runway in Nkoyoiyo Hall. Yasiri J. Kasango and Andrew Bugembe captured some moments.

Art, according to Thomas Merton, allows us to both find and lose ourselves. Fine art is a valuable approach to appreciate our community and our life. Students from the Ecole Francaise Internationale de Kampala were hosted by the Uganda Christian University (UCU) department of visual arts and design, which is part of the faculty of engineering, design, and technology.

Uganda Christian University (UCU) continues to expand its reach beyond the African continent, thanks to the late January-mid February 2023 visit of the Vice Chancellor, Assoc. Professor Aaron Mushengyezi, in the Northeast, Midwest and Southeast regions of the United States.

Following the official close of the Advent semester 2022, the 24th Guild government, both on Main campus and Kampala campus, organized a two-day trip to the naturally gifted western Uganda districts, with the support of the Dosa’s office, to loosen up a bit and have some time off their duties.

Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) Easter Semester commenced on January 4. The students were welcomed at the gate and later directed for registration at Hamu Mukasa Library.

Best Student – It is often said that after the doctors have treated a patient, they leave the healing to God. As a clinical officer, Erasmus Nzabandora, the Overall Best Student at a Dec. 2 UCU graduation, is fully aware that God works through medical personnel. In fact, because he is aware that the healing comes from God, Nzabandora says not every sick person needs medicine. “Some just need prayers,” he says. To be able to provide both the medical and spiritual treatment, Nzabandora enrolled for the Bachelor of Divinity course at UCU’s Bishop Barham University College (BBUC). The father of four graduated with a Grade Point Average