
Njangali was ordained as the first female deacon in East Africa on September 10, 1973. This outraged a number of lay people and priests who believed it not biblical to ordain a woman. Although she was never fully priested, her ordination broke the ecclesiastical glass ceiling, paving the way for future generations of women in ministry, and in 1983, Bishop Festo Kivengere of Kigezi ordained three women as priests.

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My first encounter with real, emotional pain was on the day my dad called me and my brothers together to tell us our mum was going to a private mental health hospital in Sydney to get better. Very simply put, Mum battled with feelings of depression.

Mulangira explains to the congregation that they too are part of the bus and should be careful in how they live their lives. The drama portrays how short life is and the importance of being pure within. It also teaches us that not everyone in a position of power and influence is living a sincere life. 

“My father did not study his dream course — law — unlike his brothers,” Baitwa said. “And that saddened him. Someone, however, told him that if he got a son one day, he could live his dream in his son.” Baitwa’s father, Enoch Tumusiime Baitwa, instead studied a certificate course in veterinary medicine. 

While growing up, Beatrice Masendi says some aspects of Christian salvation did not make much sense to her. And that forced her to begin equating her faith to politics. All this happened despite Masendi being a child of a lay reader. Lay readers are non-clergy who are authorized to preach and to conduct some religious services, but are not permitted to celebrate the Eucharist.

“Mwami ssuuna, mbadde nsaba kwogerako nawe.” 

A tall woman I’d never seen spoke Luganda.  Translated to English, the message was: “Mr. Ssuuna, I would like to talk to you.”

The Uganda Christian University (UCU) School of Business hosted a worship night at Nkoyoyo Multipurpose Hall, which was attended by a number of students and other staff members. The Nkyoyo hall was packed to capacity, and the topic of the day was “True Worship,” as quoted in John 4:24. According to a few students that attended the worship night,

Many members of the UCU community often participate in the activities of the day at the Uganda Martyrs Shrine on June 3. For instance, for this year’s event, Wabulo, Bishop Joel Obetia, Dr. Isabirye Moses, the Rev. Richard Mulindwa and the entire Church Relations Department joined the organizers at Namugongo. Theology students at UCU served as ushers at the prayers.