By Eriah Lule
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Luke 4:18-19 was the spark that lit Rev. Fr. Dr. Bonaventure Ssebyanzi Wasswa’s effort to advocate for the marginalized. This scripture served as the catalyst from the day he set his foot at Mulago Catholic Parish in Kampala, which had a school for the deaf, in its compound in 2008.

Having served as missionary with the Spiritans Missionary within the Catholic church and with his background as a primary teacher back in 1995, he couldn’t let the candle burn out. He started teaching in the parish school and later became its Incharge (head teacher).
Ssebyanzi witnessed different challenges and gaps faced by special needs children – especially the deaf – while trying to pursue their education.
He enrolled for a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs in 2009 – 2010 and later for a master’s degree in Education Administration and Management, majoring in Special Needs Education, at Kyambogo University, a public institution in Uganda.
It is with such a background and zeal that Ssebyanzi decided to pursue his PhD in Education Administration and Management from Uganda Christian University (UCU) in 2017. He graduated in 2024.
Ssebyanzi’s thesis focused on these hearing impaired students’ transition from lower-primary to post-primary sections like secondary schools and vocational institutes.
“At my master’s research, I looked at the implementation of disability policies in schools, while at my PhD I focused on these students transitioning from lower-primary to post-primary sections,” he said. “In primary schools, you will find numbers, yet in post-primary, you don’t see them, which means many are not empowered to be self-reliant.”
He carried out his research across the different regions of the country and was shocked to find out that the country has only two secondary schools for the deaf. These are located in Mbale in the eastern region and in Wakiso in the central region.
Ssebyanzi’s findings further revealed that whereas the country has one special needs department of education; it is at Kyambogo University. Many special needs schools don’t have specialised special needs teachers but rather any teacher is sent, and they learn on the job.
He further affirmed that children feel more comfortable during school times since they are surrounded by supportive circles that don’t exist at home, which conveyed the kind of treatment they get from their communities.
He recommended that Special Needs teachers should be exposed to other kind of impairments in their trainings; that a National Policy of the Disability could be forcefully implemented; and that civil education and campaigns are launched to raise awareness. This policy should address enhancing educational departments to boost the training of Special Needs teachers and more research and publications on the area of impairment to have a wider literature for reference and advocacy.
But, who is Ssebyanzi?
The 50-year-old was born to the late Tiburitio and Mary Namugga Kaweesi of Kalisizo, Kyotera District, in the central part of the country. Ssebyanzi is the second born of the couple’s nine children.

Despite his late father being a devoted lay leader in the church, the son initially resisted the calling to follow in his father’s footsteps. At that, after attaining his certificate as a Grade III teacher from Rakai Teachers College from 1993-1995 and teaching for three years, he decided to join the seminary in 1998 and was in formation (training in becoming a priest) for 10 years.
He attended the Urban University in Rome’s affiliate in Arusha, Tanzania, from 1999-2002 for his Degree in Philosophy. He later joined Tagaza College, an affiliate of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, for his degree in theology and majored in biblical theology from 2003-2007.
He was ordained as a priest in 2008 and started his missionary work first in Kampala and later in Mulago.
Currently, Ssebyanzi serves as formator (a priest that trains future priests) at the Namugongo Post Lance Centre, a place he served as the rector but stepped down to pursue his PhD.
His candle for the disabled burns vigorously for a world where they would live better and be self reliant.