
Njangali was ordained as the first female deacon in East Africa on September 10, 1973. This outraged a number of lay people and priests who believed it not biblical to ordain a woman. Although she was never fully priested, her ordination broke the ecclesiastical glass ceiling, paving the way for future generations of women in ministry, and in 1983, Bishop Festo Kivengere of Kigezi ordained three women as priests.

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My first encounter with real, emotional pain was on the day my dad called me and my brothers together to tell us our mum was going to a private mental health hospital in Sydney to get better. Very simply put, Mum battled with feelings of depression.

Mulangira explains to the congregation that they too are part of the bus and should be careful in how they live their lives. The drama portrays how short life is and the importance of being pure within. It also teaches us that not everyone in a position of power and influence is living a sincere life. 

As Rev. Dr. Lydia Kitayimbwa recently shifted her duties from the Uganda Christian University (UCU) chaplaincy to chaplain for St. Francis Chapel, Makerere University, she received significant accolades from members of the clergy and academic faculty. At that, her favorite professional title is “digital mama.”  She got that nickname from youth engaged in on-line church.  

Father lost when she was 14. Absentee, alcoholic mother. Forced, abusive marriage. Any of these three factors could have sent Prisca Alice Auma down the wrong path – or no path at all. She considered suicide. Instead, however, she used her bitter childhood as a springboard to improve the lives of unfortunate young girls. 

The process of inviting study applications to most universities is ongoing, and I know our children are applying or are yet to apply to different universities so as to get to where they can be admitted as the new academic year starts soon.

Uganda Christian University (UCU) Prof. Peter Nyende’s first love was football. In the 1980s, as a young boy at Kenya’s Jamhuri High School in Nairobi, he was part of the national team that represented the country in the under-14 football competition in South Korea. Nyende’s interest in the game made him harbor intentions of playing it at a professional level. However, his father thought he should pursue a “more serious career.” 

The Rt. Rev. Onesimus Asiimwe, the newly consecrated Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of North Kigezi, grew up in a home where it was mandatory to pray. In fact, he used to even take readings in church. However, at some point in his life, Asiimwe took to drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes so much so that many people lost hope in him.