
Namutebi credits her internship for sharpening her time management and storytelling skills. “I learned how to package stories under tight timelines and how to interact with professionals in the field. It’s an experience that gave me confidence and clarity about my career goals,” she says.

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According to sources, Praise’s resignation stemmed from his struggle to balance the demands of his guild office with his academic aspirations. Known for his commitment to loyalty, honesty, transparency, and integrity, Praise explained that the responsibilities of his office had made it difficult for him to achieve his academic goals, including his aim of graduating with first-class honours.

Tragedy struck Yesu Mulunji Hostel when the lifeless body of Lillian Kampi, a second year nursing student (BNS2) at Uganda Christian University, was found in her room on September 9. Kampi’s body was discovered after fellow hostel residents reported a foul smell emanating from her room, prompting the management to break in and investigate.

 In a ceremony held last week on 6 September Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi and the UCU top officials,officially handed over the new School of Journalism faculty building to the Dean of the School of Journalism, Prof. Monica Chibita.

“I love to let the world know about the beautiful things we do at UCU,” she says. Her dedication to her work is so much so that her children often assist her in capturing moments related to climate change and other research areas she’s involved in, demonstrating her influence even within her family.

What does it mean to be democratic? The term itself suggests two fundamental principles: firstly, in a national context, governance by elected representatives accountable to all citizens; secondly, within society, adherence to the equality of all members regardless of wealth or social standing. However, the global application of these ideals faces significant challenges and contradictions.