
During the visit, the UCU Rotaractors donated 30 pregnancy kits, commonly known as *mama kits*, containing essential supplies for safe deliveries. In addition to the kits, they provided food donations, including 8 kilograms of rice, 10 kilograms of posho, and 1 kilogram of sugar, to help address the nutritional challenges often faced by pregnant women in the area.

Navigating the world of journalism and counselling psychology has not been a walk in the park but I believe that my journey of navigating between school and work has been rewarding and fulfilling.

“The university shall remain closed for the dates of 9–10 May to allow staff and students to travel to their respective census enumeration locations; services like Allan Galpin Health Center, Janani Luwum Dining, and Security shall remain operational.” The memo stated

For many university courses, students are expected to engage in internships or have work placements as one requirement for the award of their degree. Pauline Luba of the UCU School of Journalism gleaned information from some key university staff, an employer/alum and two students to learn how students should conduct themselves in the world of work, especially during internships. UCU Law alum, Chris Mogal, created a video to reinforce the message, including how to avoid harrassment.