
“I love to let the world know about the beautiful things we do at UCU,” she says. Her dedication to her work is so much so that her children often assist her in capturing moments related to climate change and other research areas she’s involved in, demonstrating her influence even within her family.

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What does it mean to be democratic? The term itself suggests two fundamental principles: firstly, in a national context, governance by elected representatives accountable to all citizens; secondly, within society, adherence to the equality of all members regardless of wealth or social standing. However, the global application of these ideals faces significant challenges and contradictions.

“We encourage students and staff to use insecticide-treated mosquito nets, apply mosquito repellents, wear long-sleeved clothing to prevent mosquito bites, and ensure proper sanitation to eliminate breeding grounds for mosquitoes,”

Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) Emily Comfort Maractho was promoted to Associate Professor in Media Studies in May 2024, six years after becoming a senior lecturer. She views this as an acknowledgment of her achievements in the fields of media, communication, and development. 

My first encounter with real, emotional pain was on the day my dad called me and my brothers together to tell us our mum was going to a private mental health hospital in Sydney to get better. Very simply put, Mum battled with feelings of depression.

“As an international student from Somalia, I used to struggle to write essays and tasks. The Writing Center has helped me develop my skills in essay writing, research methodologies, and dissertations. They offered individual feedback on my work, including advice on proper formatting and directions. Weekly lessons aimed to improve my grammar and fluency, which greatly