
“I love to let the world know about the beautiful things we do at UCU,” she says. Her dedication to her work is so much so that her children often assist her in capturing moments related to climate change and other research areas she’s involved in, demonstrating her influence even within her family.

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What does it mean to be democratic? The term itself suggests two fundamental principles: firstly, in a national context, governance by elected representatives accountable to all citizens; secondly, within society, adherence to the equality of all members regardless of wealth or social standing. However, the global application of these ideals faces significant challenges and contradictions.

As the Advent semester of 2023 began, Uganda Christian University welcomed the enthusiastic footfall of students among the colourful rustle of leaves. As new and familiar faces converged on campus, united by goals and dreams, excitement permeated the air. Accommodation finds a home within the Sabiti, Nsimbabi, and PDR Halls of Residence, providing comfort and a sense of belonging to first-year students. The university began another chapter of shared learning with the promise of knowledge and growth, where halls echoed with laughter, friendships were formed, and the future’s canvas awaited the strokes of these bright brains.

(Uganda Christian University has a reputation for research excellence. Examples include pioneering research in vegetables and solar energy, supported by funding from the European Union. The university also has been at the forefront of biomass and climate change research, receiving funding from the Fund for Innovation in Development (FID). This story focuses on nakati, also known as African eggplant.)

Oftentimes, our children can choose to be very stubborn or disobedient, and as a parent, you feel there is nothing more you can do for this child.

Creativity is an important aspect that cuts across almost all fields of work. There are creative writers, creative musicians, creative architects, and creative lawyers, but over the weekend, I had a chance to meet a creative artist.

“Seeing people with admirable smiles makes me smile,” said Andinda Jordan, a fresh graduate from the Uganda Christian University (UCU) School of Dentistry. That means for Andinda to keep smiling, he has to ensure people retain and obtain straight, white teeth that are evenly spaced and proportionate to the rest of the face.