
Jesus said that some kinds of things won’t go except by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Even when our patience is tested by our very own children, we should never give up the habit of praying and fasting for them. These children are a gift and blessing from God. Commit everything to Him. He knows how to help you in due time. Giving up is not the best option for your child. By God’s grace, you will manage.

Ndayambaje Elidaphonse’s family in Kabale district, western Uganda, has access to clean and safe water for use after Uganda Christian University (UCU) students removed silt and sediment from their water source. The well near Bishop Barham University College (BBUC) serves over 300 households in the areas of Bugongi, Kibikuura, and Rwakaraba, which are near Kabale town.

The equipment is geared towards enhancing practical training in multi-media storytelling and production, a key emphasis at the school. Among the equipment are still and video cameras, laptops, projectors, and other assorted accessories. This is the first batch, but another batch will be received at the end of the year.

The Uganda Christian University (UCU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences has teamed up with crickets – the insect and not the sport – in a successfully piloted food chain project that alleviates hunger and malnutrition.  The ‘Food Waste-2-Cricket Feed’ enterprise produces cricket feed from food waste and then turns the insects into a nutritious food supplement.