
I think the semester is going to be interesting, especially since it’s my last one here at UCU. I’m going to enjoy myself to the fullest by making sure I watch every game of soccer for the ladies’ team because they will be playing in the FUFA Elite League. I’ll get a chance to see how people play in the Elite League. Additionally, the University Football League is going to be on, and we’ll get a chance to watch our guys play in this year’s edition.”

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Mental health has become a point of concern in educational institutions worldwide, and Uganda is no exception. University students in Uganda face unique challenges that can significantly impact their mental well-being. Understanding these challenges and the associated statistics is crucial for developing effective support systems.

We have all failed in life at some point, but we have not been worthless. We are still alive and moving forward with greatness in one area or another. To some, failure came as a learning experience, and they got over it with more courage and focus. Other people never believed they could try again, and all their hope was shattered. That is also part of life. Life has never been straight.

Ordinarily, when a student studies Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics at A’level in Uganda, chances are they will opt to pursue a course in medicine at university. That was not the case with Emmanuel Okia. He says even before he completed A’level, he knew his heart was elsewhere. 

However, according to Reporters Without Borders’ 2022 global press freedom survey, Uganda’s press freedom score has continued to deteriorate, with the country ranking 132 out of 180.