By Olivia Kamusiime
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of academics {DVC Academics) Rev Assoc. Prof. John Kitayimbwa has called for perseverance among leaders since leadership requires it. He said this at the Guild mentorship training organized by the Ruth Nkoyoyo Wellness Centre that started off on the 23rd of February 2022 at the ICMI building. The training was attended by the Guild official (mentees) and UCU staff {mentors}.
He said, “Mentors you are being called upon to pray and mentor these people. Whatever you give to them encourages them to give to another person.”. Quoting Mark 3:13 he said that the Bible gives many examples of mentorship for example Joshua was mentored by Caleb, Naomi mentored Ruth, and many more.
Mr. David Mugawe the UCU Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Finance and Administration said that UCUs mission enables a complete education for a complete person which guides the mentors to be able to transform guild leaders into better future leaders of tomorrow.
Mrs. Faith Ojambo who took the members through the training said that mentoring is a life-transforming investment that needs deliberate commitment. She pointed out the advantages of mentorship such as career development and learning from the mentor. She however warned that mentors should not make decisions for mentees and mentees should not be so dependent on mentors.

She encouraged mentors to always evaluate the mentorship relationship and keep note of the periods of mentorship.
The Guild President Racheal Sserwadda said: “I encourage members to comply and open their minds to learn so as to embrace the opportunity”. Citing Shawn Hitchcood she noted that a mentor empowers a person to see a possible future and believe it can be obtained.
The training aims at providing the mentors with foreknowledge of support in mentorship and mentorship on what to expect. It includes offering service, being aware of potential pitfalls, and guiding and advice.