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“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Uganda Christian University (UCU) held the 2024 Advent semester Mission Week on October 12th. The mission week is held for a week every semester to impart spiritual growth among the UCU community. This semester, the mission week commenced with the Sunday service under the theme, ”In Him all things hold together” and ended on 18th October  with a movie night.

There is a lack in the world today of men and women who have a high imagination, intelligence and genuine knowledge and skills, men and women who can instruct communities and societies and effect change.

You can make a large batch of beans and rice and store them in the fridge for 2-3 days. This makes it easier to reheat and eat throughout the week.

After the excitement of graduating and relief of completing their courses successfully, the graduates have to think about what their next step is. We spoke to some of them to tell us their future plans.

Miss Leah Nagasha was crowned the New Miss Campus Bishop Barham University College (BBUC, Kabale, 2024-25 on October 19th during the Cultural Gala that the campus had.

The team from the Banyankole tribe emerged as winners of the 2024 Uganda Christian University, UCU Bishop Barham University College, at Kabale. The cultural gala which took place on Saturday 19th October was meant to celebrate the beautiful diversity of African culture in Uganda.

I refuse to vote, not in these elections and not for these candidates. I feel like it comes down to slogans every year. Someone comes up and says they espouse Christianity above all else. Another rises against them, talks of a radical change. Then we march to November inundated with canvassers and posters and hit-pieces and puff pieces, all for candidates who honestly do not know much about anything.