UCU students decry commodity price fluctuation

By Aulah Najjuuka 

At Uganda Christian University (UCU), students are grappling with the effects of prices going both up and down at nearby businesses.

This rollercoaster of costs impacts how students manage their finances, with fluctuations in the prices of necessities like food and transportation it has been made a financial balancing act.

When prices rise, students feel the pinch, finding it harder to afford everyday items. A jump in costs can mean tighter budgets and tougher choices on where to spend their money, affecting their overall well-being.

“The increase is really entering my budget and I feel like I’m going to end up spending more than what I expected from the previous semester.” Lynette Agnes Kembabazi (BAMC 2) noted.

On the flip side, when prices drop, there’s a moment of relief for students. It eases the financial burden, allowing them to allocate funds more freely. Lower prices contribute to a sense of financial stability, positively influencing students’ spending habits.

These price fluctuations aren’t just a challenge for students; they also pose a dilemma for local businesses. When prices increase, businesses may struggle to keep their products and services affordable for students. 

On the other hand, reduced prices can impact their profit margins, making it challenging for them to sustain their operations.

Efforts to address these challenges involve ongoing discussions between students and businesses. Finding a balance that ensures fair prices for both parties is crucial for maintaining a healthy and sustainable local economy.

The economic waves of price fluctuations near Uganda Christian University bring both struggles and relief for students and businesses alike. The key lies in fostering open communication and collaboration to navigate these fluctuations and find solutions that benefit the entire community.