UCU students top LDC first class list

By Ivan Tsebeni

In the recently released Law Development Center final examination results, students who graduated from Uganda Christian University (UCU) topped the list of first-class graduates.

Out of the total number of 20 first-year students from the bar course, at least nine had gone through the UCU’s law school. The rest, according to the list, are from across the universities.

At least six were from Makerere University, three from the Islamic University of Uganda (IUIU), and two from Kampala International University (KIU).

Among the first classes, the top four were all from UCU. The nine include Emmanuel Okia with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 4.90, Shamira Kitimbo with 4.80, Reagan Ahumuza with 4.75, and Jemimah Jehopio with a CGPA of 4.70.

Others are Ernest Ayesiga with a 4.55, Samuel Odiye with a 4.50, Josephine Namagembe with a 4.40, and Martha Uwizeye with a 4.40.

Last week, LDC released final results for the 2021/22 academic year and previous academic years, registering a 44% pass rate, an 18% failure rate, and 38% of the total number directed to sit supplementary exams.

The results of 1,599 students were recently released, including 1,082 from the bar course, 430 from the diploma in law, 87 from the diploma in human rights, and 747 from the supplementary course. 

Across the courses, a total of 42 students obtained first class, with male students topping the list. Out of the total number, 18 were females compared with their male counterparts, who were 24.

In a phone interview, Jemimah Jehopio, one of the first-class students, attributed her success to God, supportive parents, and her friends, whom she said discussed and shared learning materials with her.

Jehopio, a former student of Uganda Christian University (UCU), said LDC tend to be complicated, but observed that her performance was representative of the tireless efforts incurred.

“I’m excited about the milestone. I thank God who has enabled me to sail successfully,” said Jehoiakim.

Despite previous years, LDC will have decentralized its graduation ceremony to its three regional campuses: Kampala in the central region, Lira in the north, and Mbarara in the western region.

The move, according to officials at LDC, is intended to cut costs for students, especially on transport. Before the move, graduates from other affiliated campuses used to travel to the main campus in Kampala for their graduation.

Now, starting with the forthcoming graduation, each campus shall hold their separate ceremonies at their premises, starting with Mbarara Campus on June 16, Lira on June 23, and finally, Kampala Campus on June 30. According to the preliminary program seen by New Vision, all ceremonies shall be fully physical but broadcast via live stream through all LDC socials.

According to Frank Nigel Othembi, director of the LDC, respective campuses shall be conducting their official duties in areas such as admission, assessment, teaching, and moots at their regional premises, rather than traveling to Kampala, as has been the case over the past few years.

Othembi said the move will not only cut costs for students but also for the LDC as an institution, saying the center has been spending much on transporting staff and other necessary items.

He said the different centers shall also assess their learners and, as has been the case, mark and prepare them for graduation from their centers.

“Our graduates have been spending much on transportation, just like the center has been doing with the transportation of staff during the graduation ceremonies. We hope this will be a good move that will favor both parties,” Othembi said in a statement released by LDC.