UCU, Uganda Virus Institute Seal Partnership

By Eriah Lule

Uganda Christian University (UCU) sealed a partnership with the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) during a ceremony held at the new UCU Kampala campus premises, yesterday, where the land was officially handed over to the University. The former plot that hosted storage buildings of the UVRI becomes UCU’s after a series of negotiations with the institution.

This transaction has ended an extended period of renting for UCU- Kampala campus that dates back to its inception in 2003.

“We sold this facility not because we wanted but because of certain challenges we were facing as our organization was expanding,” said Prof. Pontiano Kaleebu, the Director, Uganda Virus Research Institute.

“I would like to congratulate the church and the University for acquiring this new facility. We have today started a new partnership, in which many of our medical students will be mentored and up brought up in areas of research and credibility,”

UCU students and staff are set to benefit from this partnership as some of the apparent benefits is career growth, student-mentorship and support for the university in terms of research.

The UCU Vice-Chancellor, Professor Aaron Mushengyezi appreciated UVRI for their commitment to fighting against Covid-19 given that most blood samples were taken from the institute, which continues to do so.

“We are truly humbled to have such a remarkable institute working with us. We are eager to work with you to produce a remarkable product,” said the Vice Chancellor, Prof Aaron Mushengyezi.

“This is all I was preaching, partnerships that will help us boost research so that we highly ranked in terms of citations and performances’’, he said.

UCU Kampala campus has been renting the land from Namulondo investments.

The ceremony was presided over by the University Council chairman, the Rt. Reverend Professor, Alfred Olwa, the Bishop of Lango Diocese.
