By Eriah Lule
Growing up with siblings who had already set their talents as careers, this drew lines for Mugaga Lubowa Leslie, who was very passionate about rap music.
If you talked to his circles at campus, many will confess that they had never heard of his passion, a secret he kept best to himself.
He thought of building a career for himself before rolling out to the rap world, but the love for figures and books overwhelmed his longing. ” I was just left to listen and sometimes freestyle in my room,” Mugaga said.
From afar, his three-layered hair style neatly shaved gives a clear shape of his round head with a goatee beard on his dog face. The dark-skinned fellow is the overall best performer in the July 2022 with a CGPA of 4.91 pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Economics and Statistics.
“Leslie would just make figures simple in discussions and class presentations more than lecturers,” he said. “We would even keep numbers just to evoke his prowess with figures, but he would still solve them.”

In 2017, Mugaga gained interest in data analytics. He said that he was amazed by what would seem like random numbers or facts that could be organized and analyzed to gain insight into what could help businesses grow.
Mugaga adds that the data analyst role was talked about a lot as a promising career path in the future, so he decided to pursue it.
His determination never disappointed him. He is currently an analyst at Open Capital Advisors,a management consulting and financial advisory firm that drives growth, enables investment, and builds markets across Africa, even before graduating . The firm operates in five different countries, including Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, and Nigeria, among others.
Vincent Kisenyi, the Dean of the School of Business, commends the University’s main agenda to equip students with a holistic education that will not only help groom and mentor students for their careers but also build ambassadors.
“I am so delighted by Leslie. I thank the staff who have helped to impart knowledge to our students,” he said. ” Such moments are like an evaluation to us, the university staff, for the good work we are doing amongst our students.”