“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” This is a quote by Vince Lombardi which anyone would do well to listen to. As you the students prepare for the upcoming exams, we ask that you take these words to heart. Doing well in the exams will depend on how well you have prepared for them.
We know too, however, that having insufficient or inadequate preparation can result in low or no self-confidence, making you anxious because you don’t know if you will be able to pass the exams. Because of the fear of failing or performing badly, some of you might be tempted to engage in exam malpractice. Our advice to you is not to go down this route.
Cheating in the exams has consequences, some of which include being expelled from school if discovered and continuing to be incompetent when you eventually enter the workforce. Additionally, it undermines the fundamental goals of education, which are the development of knowledge, morality, and personal development.
In addition to undervaluing the work of individuals who study diligently, it also undermines justice and trust in the academic community. Integrity and honesty are highlighted as core values of the university. Proverbs 12:22 states: “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” This passage emphasises the value of telling the truth and the moral obligation to maintain honesty in all spheres of life, including academic pursuits. As a result, by abstaining from cheating, you show respect for the principles that support a fair and just society as well as for yourself and your peers.
We therefore propose to you to make the most of the time that is left by avoiding any activities that can take your focus away from reading and preparing for the exams.
If you are afraid you cannot get ready with the few days left, do not lose hope yet. A lot can be done within the next few weeks. Drafting a revision timetable and sticking to it, allocating more time to the areas you are not sure about, and seeking help from fellow students, lecturers and tutors will help. So start immediately and make the most of the time that is left.