Author: The Standard Editor

This is the digital news site of the Uganda Christian University community newspaper, "The Standard". The Standard newspaper was established in May 2007 under, formerly Department, but now School of Journalism, Media & Communication.

As a young girl, Dorcas Chizaram Okeke was thin and weak – a common face at the school sick-bay. At times, she wrote her promotional examinations while receiving intravenous treatment. She had “self-pity.” This early personal condition and two incidents spurred her on to become a health care expert.

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When I watched Mercy Bikala, 19, enthusiastically lead community worship at the School of Medicine of Uganda Christian University (UCU), I imagined she was a full-time musician. Her eloquent voice, delivered with confidence and enthusiasm, encouraged everybody, including me, to sing along to the hymns and praises.

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Dhatemwa Charles,28 and Sharif Bogere,17 operate at Goodwill productions, a rolex stall in Bugujju, a suburb in Mukono. For the past three years, they have been using charcoal to fry chapatis for their clients. In spite of knowing the dangers that come with burning trees to get the charcoal they use, Dhatemwa says that it is the most viable way of making their chapattis.
“It is the cheapest method we can use. A basin of charcoal is Shs. 12,000 and I can use it for a week,” he said.

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