Author: The Standard Editor

This is the digital news site of the Uganda Christian University community newspaper, "The Standard". The Standard newspaper was established in May 2007 under, formerly Department, but now School of Journalism, Media & Communication.

Dhatemwa Charles,28 and Sharif Bogere,17 operate at Goodwill productions, a rolex stall in Bugujju, a suburb in Mukono. For the past three years, they have been using charcoal to fry chapatis for their clients. In spite of knowing the dangers that come with burning trees to get the charcoal they use, Dhatemwa says that it is the most viable way of making their chapattis.
“It is the cheapest method we can use. A basin of charcoal is Shs. 12,000 and I can use it for a week,” he said.

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First, there were five. Then 10.  And on a spring day and under a white tent shelter below darkening skies, there were 50. On the Ides of March 2022, half of the 100 blue plastic chairs in the pavilion were filled by Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) School of Medicine (SoM) doctor hopefuls.

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It isn’t a secret that the prices of commodities in Uganda have hiked over the past months. For instance, a bar of soap now costs seven thousand Ugandan shillings; a kilogram of sugar at four thousand Uganda shillings; and the common breakfast accompaniment, a loaf of big bread, goes for five thousand Uganda shillings. This has left many Ugandans complaining to the government for a solution to this high cost of living.

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