
“We encourage students and staff to use insecticide-treated mosquito nets, apply mosquito repellents, wear long-sleeved clothing to prevent mosquito bites, and ensure proper sanitation to eliminate breeding grounds for mosquitoes,”

Managing weight is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding the complications associated with being overweight or obese. Keeping an eye on our weight involves monitoring our Body Mass Index (BMI), a simple index of weight for height that indicates whether we are overweight or managing our weight effectively.

Save the Mothers’ Executive Director Miriam Mutabaazi handed over her directorship role to now Interim Executive Director Edward Mukooza on February 7 at Uganda Christian University (UCU) in Florence Mirembe Hall. 

A 2007 incident in the family of Jethro Odoi Okoth was the impetus for a medicine career choice for Odoi, now age 23 and a year away from becoming a doctor. Odoi, then a teenager, saw his younger brother suffer a fractured skull, necessitating surgery in a country where neurosurgeons are scarce.

Syringe in one hand and Bible in the other. God is at the center as Celicia Rwankore studies medicine at Uganda Christian University (UCU). Rwankore, who is in her penultimate year (fourth year) as a student of a Bachelor of Medicine, says titles such as a doctor add weight to the gospel one preaches.