Looking back at vice chancellors as UCU marks 25 years

A 1992 meeting of the House of Bishops in the Anglican Church in Uganda came up with a decision that later changed the landscape of higher education in the country. Because the church felt it needed to have a broader impact in society through university education, the bishops decided to set up a provincial university. As a result, in 1997, the Trustees of the Church of Uganda established Uganda Christian University (UCU).

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Law alum accesses UK group to help disadvantaged

One evening in 2019, as Uganda Christian University (UCU) student, Kizza Arnold Luminsa,  surfed the Internet, he came across a UK-based organization, Workaid. On reading more about the charity, he discovered that it was possible to present to them a proposal for a donation. Without much faith in succeeding, Luminsa gave it a try. He sent his proposal seeking a donation to help the disadvantaged he saw around him. 

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South Sudan humanitarian workers applaud UCU for its impact

Acquiring a UCU Bachelor of Mass Communication degree 11 years ago was significant for Atem de Kuek, but the second most important thing within that credential were the lessons he learned during “foundation studies” courses. The foundation courses, such as Writing and Study Skills, Health and Wholeness, World Views and Christian Ethics, are mandatory course units for every undergraduate student at the university.

View More South Sudan humanitarian workers applaud UCU for its impact