
The Bible provides a strong foundation for environmental stewardship. In Genesis 2:15, God commands humanity to “work and take care of” the Garden of Eden. This mandate underscores humanity’s responsibility to protect and nurture the earth. The concept of stewardship — caring for something that belongs to someone else — resonates deeply within Christian theology. The earth is seen as God’s creation, and humanity is tasked with its responsible management.

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As we step into 2025, it’s a time to reflect and rethink  the path ahead. Melody Beattie aptly describes the new year as “a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” This belief emphasises the importance of setting goals  that will serve as the structure for our personal and professional growth in the months ahead.

Many have wondered what a Donald J. Trump victory would mean for Uganda and the continent of Africa. Trump’s new Administration has yet to outline any vision for Africa. Despite this, close analysis of his rhetoric shows there are clues that Ugandans can be cautiously optimistic that his transactional approach to foreign policy could bear some fruit for the country. 

First and foremost, any type of violence against journalists is simply wrong. Assaulting journalists jeopardises the core values of a free press and the critical role they play in society.

Stalking is ‘no joke’ as famous boxing champion Moses Golola puts it. It usually comes crawling with retributory consequences such as eventual death, an acid spill or a house breaking. Who knows?

The very cradle of journalism, bustling with the cacophony of breaking news and the relentless pursuit of truth, seems to be churning out a generation of journalists with hearts set on paths less trodden.