
“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” This is a quote by Vince Lombardi which anyone would do well to listen to. As you the students prepare for the upcoming exams, we ask that you take these words to heart. Doing well in the exams will depend on how well you have prepared for them.

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What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says “mental health”? 

Do you take a deep sigh of concern and think Butabika? Depression? Rich kids who can’t get a grip? Spiritual battles? Or do you acknowledge that it is an important aspect of your life and listen for ways to better it?

In the era of social media, conversations about DNA testing have become increasingly prevalent. Many men have been shocked to discover that their presumed biological children may not be their own.

“Beyond the Storm” by Grace K. Tumusiime, is an exceptional book that delves into one of the most prevalent issues affecting individuals, societies, and companies worldwide: The book looks tress and stress management. With great depth and clarity, the book explores the causes, signs, symptoms, and effective self-care 5o overcome stress. It adeptly breaks down the fundamentals of stress, offering invaluable insights for readers.

Most times, when a woman is preparing for her wedding, female friends and relatives organize a bridal shower. A good package of how a marriage should be handled, how to care for your husband and yourself, issues of financial management, pregnancy and child care/nurturing, hygiene, and many more are addressed. Then they gave her gifts.

We are not all talented or skilled at business, but we are all business people by nature. Everyone likes to do something that creates extra income. We are always eager to add another skill or profession for additional value. That alone indicates a business-oriented mind.

As the 25th Guild Government of Uganda Christian University (UCU) celebrates the 100-day mark in power, it is critical to reflect on H. E. Ddumba Timothy’s promises and analyse the government’s performance thus far.