
“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” This is a quote by Vince Lombardi which anyone would do well to listen to. As you the students prepare for the upcoming exams, we ask that you take these words to heart. Doing well in the exams will depend on how well you have prepared for them.

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What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says “mental health”? 

Do you take a deep sigh of concern and think Butabika? Depression? Rich kids who can’t get a grip? Spiritual battles? Or do you acknowledge that it is an important aspect of your life and listen for ways to better it?

It is good news to have all our children back home from school. I congratulate the candidates at all levels who completed their final exams. I also congratulate children who were not candidates upon finishing the year and for getting promoted to other classes.

We have all gone through grief at a certain point in our lives, be it the loss of a loved one, divorce, or the sudden end of a relationship, among others. This will require us to go in for counseling or therapy as a way to recover from this situation.

As the year nears its end, the 1st of December is here for us to be joyful. As many of our friends are filling the chat rooms with happy new month wishes, I will fill yours with a bit of awareness. It’s World AIDS Day!

Climate change has recently sparked widespread concern around the world. It’s difficult to read a newspaper or watch a news broadcast without coming across a story about the phenomenon. Governments around the world are developing and implementing strategies to combat what appears to be a pandemic, but what does climate change really mean to the average person?

As Uganda Christian University (UCU) celebrates 25 years, we talked to some of the students about what has stood out for them during the time they have been at UCU, and this is what they had to say.