
The Bible provides a strong foundation for environmental stewardship. In Genesis 2:15, God commands humanity to “work and take care of” the Garden of Eden. This mandate underscores humanity’s responsibility to protect and nurture the earth. The concept of stewardship — caring for something that belongs to someone else — resonates deeply within Christian theology. The earth is seen as God’s creation, and humanity is tasked with its responsible management.

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As we step into 2025, it’s a time to reflect and rethink  the path ahead. Melody Beattie aptly describes the new year as “a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” This belief emphasises the importance of setting goals  that will serve as the structure for our personal and professional growth in the months ahead.

Many have wondered what a Donald J. Trump victory would mean for Uganda and the continent of Africa. Trump’s new Administration has yet to outline any vision for Africa. Despite this, close analysis of his rhetoric shows there are clues that Ugandans can be cautiously optimistic that his transactional approach to foreign policy could bear some fruit for the country. 

It doesn’t matter how old your child is; he or she needs your attention. Attending to an individual child is when you exclusively decide to deal with each child independently for a given period of time. This relationship between individual children can be established at any level. However, the best time to start is when the child is still young. You can bend a tree in any direction when it is young.

entering the restaurant, I was immediately struck by its modern and stylish decor. The thoughtfully designed interior created a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, making it a suitable choice for both casual lunches and intimate dinners. The tasteful lighting, contemporary furnishings, and vibrant artwork contributed to a visually pleasing space.

Jesus said that some kinds of things won’t go except by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Even when our patience is tested by our very own children, we should never give up the habit of praying and fasting for them. These children are a gift and blessing from God. Commit everything to Him. He knows how to help you in due time. Giving up is not the best option for your child. By God’s grace, you will manage.

We have all failed in life at some point, but we have not been worthless. We are still alive and moving forward with greatness in one area or another. To some, failure came as a learning experience, and they got over it with more courage and focus. Other people never believed they could try again, and all their hope was shattered. That is also part of life. Life has never been straight.

Many times, I take my children to a clinic, and I usually encourage them to explain their pain to a medical doctor or officer and not me. I do this because I know I will tell a doctor what they already told me, which is already a reported speech.

This is a month when our children will sit for end-of-term exams in primary and secondary schools. This is also happening in some higher learning institutions that are doing their end-of-semester examinations this month.