
Namutebi credits her internship for sharpening her time management and storytelling skills. “I learned how to package stories under tight timelines and how to interact with professionals in the field. It’s an experience that gave me confidence and clarity about my career goals,” she says.

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According to sources, Praise’s resignation stemmed from his struggle to balance the demands of his guild office with his academic aspirations. Known for his commitment to loyalty, honesty, transparency, and integrity, Praise explained that the responsibilities of his office had made it difficult for him to achieve his academic goals, including his aim of graduating with first-class honours.

Loving our neighbours (anyone in need), is a command and not optional. Let us not wait until a traveller is beaten into a coma on the roadside, let us share acts of love every day. It could be a smile, hug, or a shoulder for one to lean on.

In English-speaking regions, precise grammar is often seen as essential for fluent and confident communication. In a country where English is spoken as an official language, it’s time to reassess our attitudes towards grammar — particularly for those for whom English is a second language.

Several student associations on the Uganda Christian University campus have held elections. The annual event saw a significant turnout and spirited campaigns as students vied for leadership positions. The Media Link Association, Law Society, and Business Society were among those that got new leadership.

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” This is a quote by Vince Lombardi which anyone would do well to listen to. As you the students prepare for the upcoming exams, we ask that you take these words to heart. Doing well in the exams will depend on how well you have prepared for them.