
During the visit, the UCU Rotaractors donated 30 pregnancy kits, commonly known as *mama kits*, containing essential supplies for safe deliveries. In addition to the kits, they provided food donations, including 8 kilograms of rice, 10 kilograms of posho, and 1 kilogram of sugar, to help address the nutritional challenges often faced by pregnant women in the area.

Navigating the world of journalism and counselling psychology has not been a walk in the park but I believe that my journey of navigating between school and work has been rewarding and fulfilling.

The UCU Cardinals pulled off a stunning victory to revenge the Makerere Enzymes that beat them 2-0 in the just concluded AUUS Inter-University games that were held in Mukono.

Many students from the Uganda Christian University (UCU) Main/Mukono Campus and other campuses and constituent colleges are engaged in internships at different places of work. The internships are intended to enable students gain work experience while satisfying requirements for their university qualifications.

Nurturing children with a dark past requires patience, understanding, and unwavering support from parents. By fostering a positive and future-oriented outlook, parents can help their children overcome past mistakes, embrace their potential, and strive towards a fulfilling and successful future. 

“For a WhatsApp message to qualify as contractually binding, there is a lot we look at,was there
an offer made, and if it was made, was there acceptance of the offer from the other party, and
most importantly, was there an intention to deal or agree?”Tonny Tumukunde, the speaker of
the Alumni Associations, says.