UCU helps Christian primary-secondary schools with e-learning

The Uganda Christian University (UCU) e-learning candle is spreading its light to other institutions in the country. Among the recent beneficiaries is Greenhill Academy, a group of Christian-founded primary and secondary schools in Kampala. Leaders from the Academy met with UCU e-learning staff for a virtual learning seminar in December 2021.

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‘Canons’ to face ‘Blazers’ in first ‘Power’ invitational tournament final

The UCU Canons will face the Namugongo Blazers in the final of the first Betway Power invitational tournament final. They beat the Falcons 75-53 in the semi-final held at YMCA court in Wandegeya to book their ticket for the final game this coming Saturday (04 December), against the Blazers.

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Dr. Kyakulumbye, the brains behind UCU eLearning

In 2013, Steven Kyakulumbye had a vision about the critical role of virtual learning in knowledge transfer. When he thought it was time to put his dream into practice, Kyakulumbye wrote a proposal for the initiation of virtual learning within Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) Faculty of Business Administration.

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