Guild tuition run: Empowering students, uniting communities

By Dismas Nuwaine

The long-awaited guild tuition run is set to happen tomorrow, the 21st of October. This run is the first of its kind in the 25th guild government’s tenure.

The run will begin at the UCU main gate; the participants will go through Kyiko Market, turn to Nabuti, then use the stretch via Shiloh and end at the same starting point. In its entirety, the distance will cover an approximate six kilometers.

The proceeds of the run will go towards supporting students with tuition difficulties. This will be properly dispensed to the beneficiaries through the guild tuition fund. The activity will be overseen by the guild education committee.

“We are very hopeful that we will have more resources to work with this time around,” said Okelo Jonathan, Chairperson of the Education Committee. “Ultimately, our support will also increase. We shall not be giving out the usual UGX of 200,000, as has been the norm for a while now. Also, the number of beneficiaries will undoubtedly increase,” continued the Member of Parliament representing the School of Education.

Okello’s rather optimistic stance comes in the wake of the guild president, Ddumba Timothy’s, constant rooting for the increase in the amount given out in the guild tuition run to individual beneficiaries.

“It’s better for one to have a substantial amount, which ultimately settles a larger portion of their dues. This would mean that few people would have to gain much bigger amounts,” said the Minister of Presidency, Christy Asimwe. “But then we have a desire to have limitless beneficiaries, and so to balance this proposition, the guild has to engage in activities such as the guild run to outsource more resources,” continued Christy.

The Chief Runner of the Day will be the former Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, Hon. Alitwara Rabecca Kadaga. She currently serves as the first deputy prime minister of Uganda and minister for East African Community affairs.

This run is slated to be the second-last major event, as it will be organised by the 25th guild government. The run will be followed by a cultural gala. The gala will pay homage to Uganda’s cultural melting pot.

Of all races, there’s no better stage for heroism than a charitable marathon. We are not just running to add days to our lives, but to add life to our days. The time is now.