Harnessing your Youth-Men of Purpose

By Dismas Nuwaine

The Men of Purpose group organised their monthly meeting this Saturday in the Principals hall at Uganda Christian University under the topic “What to make of my youth?” that was well in the interest of public opinion. 

After weeks of mobilization and garnering public awareness among the students and staff alike within the university, this historical eye-opening session was set to take place.

The speaker, Samuel Bakutana, a renowned orator, inspirational leader, and Chief Executive Officer of Inspire International, wasted no time delivering his masterpiece.

“Purpose is static, but what comes out of it, which is vision, is dynamic,” assured Samuel, answering the moderator’s first teasing question. “I have found mine; it is to inspire and empower,” continued Samuel, strongly reassuring.

The author of 16 books attested to the importance of such topics amongst young people and the entire country at large with some statistical analysis.

“This should be a national topic on the televisions and in the halls of parliament since Uganda has many youth as the second-youngest country in the world with an average age of about 16.”

He assured many in attendance that they wouldn’t be youths forever and henceforth should waste no time in establishing their foundations as early as now.

“Your uninterrupted youth is a prophecy of your tomorrow,” said Samuel. “You take to adulthood what you are as a youth, and early life is not a doll to play with but a time of setting a firm foundation,” continued Samuel.

The passionate youth advocate couldn’t help but implore the young people to explore their highly industrious youthful days.

“You can make or break your youthful days, and your old age should be proud of your youthful days,” said Samuel. “Those who have the best in life do not necessarily get the best in life but make the best of life,” assured Samuel to a keen and interested crowd.

In attendance were reporters from the new vision who covered the event thoroughly. It was well attended by both students and staff alike.

Samuel Bakutana, who also doubles as the provincial head of the Father’s Union in Uganda, shared the seven areas where youth need to seek growth.

Intellectual progress, financial growth, physical sense, social intelligence, emotional hygiene, skill acquisition, and spiritual growth were all but cited.

The charismatic leader brought many to laughter with his true-to-life, seemingly funny but informative quotations.

“You are an incapable man if your hands are a luxury,” said Samuel. “You are not a woman of a man’s dream if the only skills you have are at a dining table.”

“Your destiny is not safe if you are a spiritually castrated gentleman,” said Samuel. “Your future is in doubt if you are a spiritually ugly lady,” continued Samuel, drawing much laughter.

The Men of Purpose is a mentorship program operating within the spheres of UCU that brings together all men and women for engaging talks about life.

The idea of the Mentorship Program was born out of the desire to empower young men for a more fulfilling and industrious future in the spiritual, economic, and social spheres of life.

Every last Saturday of the month in the semester, the group gets together in the principal’s hall, and new members are always welcome to tap into this abundant wealth of wisdom.