By Yasiri J. Kasango
In an effort to spread the gospel, Brian and Mary Kluth of have been literally lighting up the lives of thousands of Ugandans in central and southwestern Uganda through #SharetheLight Gospel Events in February.
Inspired by Matthew 5:16 to let their light shine in word and deed, the Kluths are on a mission to develop #SharetheLight Gospel events that can be duplicated by other faith-based groups to effectively share the Gospel message and provide proven solutions to fight poverty, sickness, and hunger in Uganda and other countries. For the past five years, has researched, found, and tested the best poverty-fighting solar lamps, water filters, low-smoke cookstoves, and food security solutions. So far, over 60,000 adults and children in Uganda have benefited from one or more of these proven solutions. Their dream is to see faith-based groups do these events across Uganda and Africa so the lives of 1 million families can be made better forever.
“We have researched and tested many things to provide Ugandans with the world’s best solutions to help them fight poverty, sickness, and hunger.” Brian Kluth
Through nine #SharetheLight Gospel events in February, over 3,000 households and families have received the free gift of the world’s #1 high-quality solar lamp. Locations for these events included Uganda Christian University campuses in Mukono, Kampala, and Kabale. Events also took place at St. Dunstan COU in Mukono, St. Lukes COU in Ntinda, Bride of Christ Church in Lugazi, COU North Kigezi Diocese, St. Paul’s Primary School, and Lift Up Jesus Church.

At the #SharetheLight event, people are taught the dangers of dirty water and dirty smoke in their homes that cause sickness, poverty, and financial difficulties and are told about the best solutions for them to have clean water, light, and cooking in their homes. The gospel message is then clearly shared by comparing kerosene lamps to solar lamps, dirty water to water cleaned by a water filter, and 3-stone cooking to low-smoke wood and charcoal cookstoves. At these events, people are given the opportunity to pray, receive Christ, or rededicate themselves to the LORD. They are also given the opportunity to pre-order solar, water, and cookstove products at special event prices that can help their family save hours of work and thousands of shillings each week. Many families using these product solutions are reducing their kerosene, candle, wood, or charcoal costs from 30,000 ugx or more per week to 6-7K ugx, a weekly savings of 70–80% for their family. After placing a pre-order with a small deposit, families are given 50 days to save for the products and will then be able to pick them up at a follow-up meeting at the same location.
At the events, Kluth talked about the quality of the world’s best solar lamp by showing it has 3 settings that can last from 5 to 72 hours for 5 years or longer. He demonstrated the durability of the lamp by putting it on the ground and then standing on it with no damage to the lamp. For the water filter, he poured badly contaminated, dirty brown water into the filter. After 30 minutes, he then poured a glass of sparkling clean water from the filter and drank it in front of everyone to show them that it was pure and clean water that did not have to be boiled. He talked about the cookstoves and showed pictures of families that now use 80% less wood and charcoal. Farming God’s Way is also mentioned at the event to let people know training is available to help people double and triple their crops by using proven conservation farming methods. Kluth explained to the groups that he receives no personal money from this work, but he serves freely out of the love God has given him and his wife for the people of Uganda.

At the Lugazi event, Twinamasiko Joan, a single mother of three children, shared how these products reduced her charcoal costs from 21,000 to 7,000 ugx per week and that she no longer buys candles or boils water. She also says her children are no longer getting sick, and by planting crops using Farming God’s Way methods, they now have enough food. In Kabale, a family that got a low-smoke wood cookstove reduced their time to collect wood from 20 hours per week to 4 hours per week and no longer suffered from breathing dirty cook smoke. For any community where low-smoke, highly efficient cookstoves are used, it will greatly reduce deforestation because the stoves require 70–80% less wood or charcoal each week for cooking and do not need to boil water.
“I reduced my charcoal costs from 21,000 to 7,000 ugx per week and no longer buy candles or boil water,” reported Twinamasiko Joan.
Pastor Frank Wayu McRae from Entebbe attended the event at the Lift Up Jesus Church in Kabale. He said, “For too long, we have only been preaching the gospel in words, but this #SharetheLight Gospel Event is very practical.” The #SharetheLight events combine the gospel message with practical solutions to meet the daily challenges many Ugandans face, which can help save lives and improve lives. The gift of the free solar lamp helps people better understand the free gift of eternal life that Jesus offers them. The solar lamp they take home will also remind them every day to leave behind a kerosene life of sin and to shine brightly for Christ, like their new solar lamp. Based on the results of the nine events in February, these #ShinetheLight Gospel events really can help people spiritually, practically, financially, and environmentally. Now the Kluths will continue to pray, wait, and serve other faith groups and individuals that want to become part of helping fulfill the vision of the lives of 1 million families being made better forever in Uganda and Africa.