Shine in the Dark World – Prof Olwa preaches.

By Eriah Lule

The Rt Reverend Prof. Alfred Olwa the Bishop of Lango Diocese and the Chairman University Council preached shinning in the such a dark world to the graduands on the 22nd graduation Ceremony held at Uganda Christian University main campus.

He urged the graduands to seek their creator as their source of wisdom in such a hard time and use the knowledge they acquired from school to create employment opportunities.

‘‘I need you to be creative Christians, think of providing solutions to such a hard time than also becoming one ‘’, he said.

Prof. Olwa recommends the graduands to be Christ centered to in order to battle and solve the difficult challenges that are affecting the community as well as holding a high professional integrity.

‘‘Do everything as a professional and set an example to others in the community as well as attracting them to join the family of Christ”, he added.

Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo the State Minister of Education and Sports who represented the Cabinet Minister Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni, Praised Prof. Olwa’s preaching for its wonderful message that it carried to the graduands

 “I really like the message, please Bishop send me recordings of your preaching and i will gladly take them at a fee for my spiritual well-being”, Dr.Muyingo said.