What are the causes of very painful period ?

By Cenge Laura

Vanessa Kyalimpa 

In the dead of night, I was woken by an excruciating pain in my lower abdomen, starting as intense spasms spreading to my back and then to my thighs.

This is the time of month when I just want to curl up in the corner of my bed and cry the pain away, but then I remember that this is what makes you a woman.

Is this true, or are we being led to believe it? I’m not convinced, not even a little, because this cannot be normal.

So I get to my desktop and type, “IS IT NORMAL TO HAVE VERY PAINFUL PERIOD PAINS?” They say curiosity killed the cat, but it might just have saved you from an underlying medical condition.

At this point, I couldn’t believe my eyes, and I needed to schedule an appointment with my doctor as soon as possible.

According to Dr. Elungat John Wilfred of Jjanda Medical Hospital in Namugongo, period pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, is caused by natural chemicals made in the lining of the uterus called prostaglandins. These cause the muscles and blood vessels of the uterus to contract, hence causing the pain.

Although having period pain is normal, it shouldn’t be so bad that it stops you from accomplishing your day-to-day activities like school and work. If this happens, you should plan to visit your doctor to find out what the cause may be.

Endometrial cells, which mimic the uterus’ lining and grow outside the uterus, are the result of the chronic, noncancerous disorder endometriosis. The main symptom is pelvic discomfort. Other symptoms include difficulty getting pregnant, heavy periods, periods that last more than seven days, bleeding between periods, gastrointestinal pain, pain during sexual activity, and painful bowel movements.

One in ten women of childbearing age have polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS), is a prevalent hormone disease. Male hormones called androgens, which are present in higher amounts, and irregular periods are typical signs.

Heavy or protracted periods, abundant facial and body hair, weight gain and difficulty losing weight, acne, thinning hair or hair loss, many skin tags, and dark patches of skin, particularly in the creases of the neck and groin, are further signs of PCOS.

Fibroids have become a threat to women. These are noncancerous growths that can appear either inside or outside the uterus. They can be in a variety of sizes, from tiny masses the size of a seed to huge masses that might expand the uterus.

One or more fibroids might exist in you, frequently without any symptoms. They change according to the number, size, and location of the fibroid. In addition to severe menstrual cramps, fibroids can cause pelvic pressure, lower back discomfort, leg pain, heavy periods, periods that last more than a week, constipation, and frequent urination. 

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)  is a bacterial infection of the female reproductive system. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, are typically to blame for it. It can also be brought on by other infections that are not sexually transmitted.

PID’s most prevalent symptom is pelvic pain. Other signs and symptoms include painful erections, spotting between periods, bleeding during or after sex, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, burning when urinating, and vaginal discharge that smells bad.

Living in a world where everyone has their own ideas about how to relieve pain, many people have turned into their own medical personnel, causing more harm to our bodies in the end. This is because one will consume whatever they can as a way of doing away with the pain, ranging from painkillers to local herbs.

Dr. Elungat suggests the following methods: getting enough rest or sleep, applying warm compressions to the abdomen, wearing loose fitting clothes, eating foods low in fat but high in supplements like vitamin B1 and E, magnesium, and zinc, taking a warm bath, and massaging the lower abdomen.