Author: The Standard Editor

This is the digital news site of the Uganda Christian University community newspaper, "The Standard". The Standard newspaper was established in May 2007 under, formerly Department, but now School of Journalism, Media & Communication.

Stalking is ‘no joke’ as famous boxing champion Moses Golola puts it. It usually comes crawling with retributory consequences such as eventual death, an acid spill or a house breaking. Who knows?

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UCU’s School of Journalism, Media and Communication’s Brian Kabogozza’s film, My First year had its premier cinema run at  Metroplex Mall Cinema, Nalya over the weekend. This is a great achievement for the passionate student who aspires to a career in film making. 

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In the USA, such data is collected on an ongoing basis with the next large census to be conducted in 2030.  At that time,  residents of the United States and its five territories will be counted, marking the country’s 25th population count since 1790. The process involves sending out questionnaires to every household, which they can fill out online, by mail or by phone. The United States Census Bureau also employs door-to-door visits to ensure an accurate count, especially in hard-to-reach or undercounted communities. The data collected is used to determine representation in Congress and allocate federal funding, among other purposes.

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The very cradle of journalism, bustling with the cacophony of breaking news and the relentless pursuit of truth, seems to be churning out a generation of journalists with hearts set on paths less trodden.

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