
Njangali was ordained as the first female deacon in East Africa on September 10, 1973. This outraged a number of lay people and priests who believed it not biblical to ordain a woman. Although she was never fully priested, her ordination broke the ecclesiastical glass ceiling, paving the way for future generations of women in ministry, and in 1983, Bishop Festo Kivengere of Kigezi ordained three women as priests.

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My first encounter with real, emotional pain was on the day my dad called me and my brothers together to tell us our mum was going to a private mental health hospital in Sydney to get better. Very simply put, Mum battled with feelings of depression.

Mulangira explains to the congregation that they too are part of the bus and should be careful in how they live their lives. The drama portrays how short life is and the importance of being pure within. It also teaches us that not everyone in a position of power and influence is living a sincere life. 

A few meters from the Uganda Christian University (UCU) main gate is a house with a lush green compound. The greenery in the home is a testament to the love for nature by the occupants. The sofa in the house’s sitting room and the art pieces dotting the walls convey owner ‘s appreciation for fine things.

Prof. Assoc. Aaron Mushenyezi, the vice-chancellor of Uganda Christian University (UCU), has challenged the first-year students to live up to the standards of the university. He said this during the induction service in Nkoyoyo Hall. He welcomed the inducted students to UCU.

She advised parents to always love their children, remember their special days, explain to them, listen to them, play with them, and guide them through Bible reading. Besides that, she also encouraged parents to train them in household chores.

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda and Chancellor of Uganda Christian University (UCU), Rev. Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, made his second pastoral visit to the university on June 14, which was coincidentally the first time he was actively participating in the UCU mission week.