
Namutebi credits her internship for sharpening her time management and storytelling skills. “I learned how to package stories under tight timelines and how to interact with professionals in the field. It’s an experience that gave me confidence and clarity about my career goals,” she says.

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According to sources, Praise’s resignation stemmed from his struggle to balance the demands of his guild office with his academic aspirations. Known for his commitment to loyalty, honesty, transparency, and integrity, Praise explained that the responsibilities of his office had made it difficult for him to achieve his academic goals, including his aim of graduating with first-class honours.

According to the information obtained from the Ministry of Health, conjunctivitis is caused by viral infections, seasonal allergies, bacterial infections, and reactions to eye medication. It’s symptoms include redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid, increased tears, thick yellow discharge over the eyelashes, itching, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light.

Whenever there is a power blackout in Mukono town, it affects the hostel where Diana Nakiyemba lives. As a result, the only option the fourth-year student of Bachelor of Laws at Uganda Christian University (UCU) had was traveling back to the main campus, so she can access electricity light to read her books.

The UCU annual career exhibition was held on Saturday 16 under the topic ‘NAVIGATING HORIZONS: A Journey Through Diverse Careers,’ with the primary goal of providing students with career guidance through the displays. It also served to market UCU, as evidenced by the presence of high school students who may be inspired to join the university.

In the midst of that lesson, Ateme discovered gardening. Within the school’s garden, pupils engaged in practical work twice a week – every Wednesday and Saturday. There, among plants, Ateme began a lifelong relationship with agriculture.

Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) Honors College hosted a career exhibition on Saturday, March 16th, this year, under the theme ‘NAVIGATING HORIZONS: A Journey Through Diverse Careers’. The event aimed to spotlight students, schools, and faculties excelling in various skills beyond academic competencies.