
The story follows a single mother and her two sons as they navigate life’s challenges and emotional struggles. Trevorrow’s direction brings a unique artistic touch to the storytelling, capturing both the beauty and hardships of their journey. The film’s emotional depth is further amplified by the outstanding performances of its cast, making it an unforgettable cinematic experience.

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Emmanuel Edonu has been voted as the Speaker of the 35th Executive Council of the Uganda National Students Association (UNSA).

The awards recognize the company’s innovative fruit shelving technology that leverages nanotechnology to combat post-harvest losses. In a world struggling with food security challenges, the innovation, which preserves fruits and vegetables by releasing a safe organic formulation extending shelf life by 30 days, offers hope and demonstrates the power of homegrown solutions. 

In an exhilarating clash of titans on the basketball court, Kampala University emerged victorious over Makerere University, securing a hard-fought win with a final score of 69-63. The intense battle unfolded in the first bass held at Uganda Christian University (UCU), where KU demonstrated their prowess and resilience to claim victory in both halves of the game.

The Uganda Christian University Angels ran amok, putting 115 goals past a frail Bishop Stuart University side in today’s netball opener in the Association of Uganda University Sports Tournament (AUUS) happening at UCU.

Believe Niwagaba, the top graduate at Uganda Christian University (UCU) Bishop Barham University College (BBUC), initially faced the daunting prospect of being unable to pursue university education due to financial constraints. His journey began in 2020 amid the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Niwagaba looked for a scholarship in vain.