Stay clean and smell fresh

By Eriah Lule

Body odour is usually that bad smell that is emulated by our bodies given any condition of the day. The smell is caused by unpleasant odours that are produced by bacteria on the skin that break down sweat into aromatic fatty acids that are responsible for this foul odour.

Sweat Glands

There are 3-4 million sweet glands in the human body. The two types of sweat glands include the eccrine glands, which are spread across the skin and regulate body temperature by cooling the skin with sweat when you get hot.

Apocrine glands are found in the hairy areas of the body, such as the armpits and genital area. Apocrine develops during puberty and releases scented chemicals called pheromones.

The sweet produced by the eccrine glands is usually odourless, although it can smell if bacteria start to break it down. It can also take on an offensive odour if you consume certain foods like garlic, spices, or alcohol, as well as some types of medications like antidepressants.

However, it is apocrine that is mainly responsible for the body odour because the sweat they produce contains high levels of protein which bacteria find very easy to break down. People who sweat a lot or have a lot of bacteria on their skin tend to have worse body odours.

We cannot get away from the fact that we sweat because it’s a normal body process. To some people, body odour is something they have either chosen not to put under check or tried to deal with.

We all know of that classmate or workmate who is well known for his/her repulsive body odor. Perhaps it’s that taxi conductor who stretches his hands to collect money or that boda-boda rider who puts your nose under siege from the gifts from his armpits.

Usually, people who sweat too much are more prone to body odor. Body odor is also more evident when one hits adolescence.

Perspiration cannot be solely held responsible for body odor. It is increasingly attributed to a careless lifestyle concerning body hygiene and the daily diet. Medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid diseases, and the carcinoid syndrome also accentuate excessive sweating. The side effects of some medicines may also be a key factor.

Managing your body

The best way to avoid getting foul body odors is to keep those parts of your body clean and free from bacteria, and you can also do this as well;

Washing with soap every day and paying special attention to sweaty areas such as the armpits, genital area, and feet.Washing removes the bacteria and reduces your chances of having an odor during the day.

Changing clothes and socks on a regular basis will also help. Regular laundry and not forgetting deodorant use daily will also be of help. Body sprays and perfumes don’t necessarily help in controlling body odor.

Shaving your armpits regularly removes the hair in the armpits, which traps sweat and odour, which provides a fertile ground for bacteria to multiply.

To many young adults, body odor is a result of inadequate bathing. This causes the bacteria to increase, and a combination with sweat causes a bad odour. 

While most people associate body odor with the armpits, bacteria can also produce odor in the groin, anus area, upper thighs, and feet.

Remember that smelly feet can also cause smelly shoes. Treating your shoes with an over-the-counter deodorizer can help. Also, wear thick, absorbent socks if you can.